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Monday, October 18, 2010

You have a right to know what’s in your food. Dr. Oz reveals exactly what’s in your chicken – a mix of chemicals, antibiotics, drugs and even...

The antibiotics in your chicken are contributing to the rising threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria - which can be fatal. Dr. Oz reveals exactly...

Chemicals, antibiotics, drugs and even hidden salt. Dr. Oz reveals exactly what is in your chicken – and how it got there.  Click here for Dr....

Dr. Oz decodes 4 popular, sometimes misleading, labels being applied to America’s chicken. Get the facts. Determine what’s necessary from what�...

Many companies have prepared ads that are misleading to consumers. Their intent is to lead you to believe that their products have attributes that they really do not have. Springer Mountain Farms feels it is important that you understand the truth about the products you purchase.

These misleading claims take many forms. One is the "100% All Natural" claim. Many companies want you to think that "100% All Natural" describes the process by which their chickens are raised and what they are fed. However, the USDA defines "Natural" as a "Product containing no artificial ingredient or added color and is only minimally processed." This definition has nothing to do with how the chickens are raised or what they are fed. It only applies to the processing facility and not the farm. Springer Mountain Farms, however, is proud to say that we are American Humane Assocation Certified for our low-stress, humane growing practices.

Companies also make the misleading claim that their chickens have never received Steroids or Hormones. What they do not tell you is that the USDA & FDA strictly PROHIBIT the use of Steroids and Hormones in poultry entirely; therefore, all poultry companies can make this claim. They put it on packaging to mislead consumers into thinking that Steroids, Hormones, Antibiotics and Chemical Medicines all fall into one category, but they do not. Steroids and Hormones are prohibited by the USDA & FDA, but Antibiotics and Chemical Medicines are allowed. Eventhough they are allowed by the USDA & FDA, Springer Mountain Farms DOES NOT administer Antibiotics or Chemical Medicines.

Springer Mountain Farms is proud to say that our chickens are not only "100% All Natural" with "No Steroids or Hormones," but also are produced with NO Chemical Medicines, NO Antibiotics, are Never Fed Animal By-Products, and are American Humane Association Certified.

No Steroids or Hormones

No Antibiotics

No Chemical Medicines

Never Fed Animal By-Products

Feed Never Contains Traces of Contaminants (Pesticides)

Never Exposed To Predators

American Humane Association Certified

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