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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Breastfeeding Alternative Healthy Organic Infant Milk Formula Recipes

by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

Many females in the U.S. are becoming health conscious and learning about the importance of breastfeeding (which is really a natural function for the majority of females, if not all females), which is a very good thing and I applaud every last one of these women.

Breastfeeding is the natural way a baby derives nutrition and bonding (emotional, etheric, psychological, physical, etc.) from its mother. The nipples do not just allow milk to be obtained, but energy as well, as both nipples have chakras. These nipple chakras store all the information a mother has for her baby. Chakras are diskettes of information so a baby receives maternal information from the nipples of the breast as well as nutrition in the form of milk.

It is for this reason synthetic milk (derived from animal milk) should not be given to any child, especially the child of a conscious parent. Mother's breast milk has EVERY single nutrient a newborn baby needs and requires and no other milk comes close (except for the alternative milks described later on in this article).

It is errant to give a human baby cow's milk. The first thing that physically develops in a human baby is the brain, whereas the first thing to physically develop in a baby cow is the skeletal structure and system. So why give a human baby cow's milk? Do you see how crazy and errant this is? Why are you giving your baby milk that is conducive to skeletal development as a biological first priority when your human baby requires milk that is conducive to neurological development as a biological first priority?

Mother's breast milk is loaded with nutrition: minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids, amino acids (protein), so-called vitamins and B-vitamins, and most importantly of all: LOVE!

When a baby breastfeeds from day one, it receives COLOSTRUM that helps to boost and fortify the baby's defense system or so-called "immune" system. Actually, it is mother's colostrum that activates the baby's immune system. Mother's breast milk has the activating code for the baby's immune system.

Breastfeeding also helps to strengthen the baby's aura. When a woman breastfeeds her baby, it strengthens her aura as well as the baby's aura. In fact, when and while breastfeeding, mother and child actually share the same aura. This is why a woman must keep herself energetically or vibrationally clean and pure so as not to taint her baby's aura or even her breast milk, as all thought and emotion is chemical and registers a chemical reaction So always keep calm and have positive thoughts and emotions while breastfeeding. Trust me, this is vitally important!

Many babies that breastfeed from a toxic mother can develop jaundice, hepatitis, or colitis predicated upon the emotions that result in these diseases. When a woman stores anger and rage, they will store in the liver (of mother and eventually the baby) and manifest in the baby as jaundice or hepatitis, diseases of the liver. The feeling of not being able to "stomach" something or being "tired of this s-h-i-t!" will store in the intestines of mother and baby and may manifest in the baby as colitis.

Truly, breastfeeding is an art, craft, and science!

Now I know that due to residing in the Matrix (world of man), many women or new mothers cannot breastfeed for as long as they desire or need to due to having to return back to work, especially for financial reasons as the Rulers have the majority of people existing on survival mode, which they do on purpose for control purposes; and having to abruptly return back to work creates a serious dilemma for a mother and is very traumatic for a baby.

Number one, it adversely impairs the bond and symbiosis between mother and baby. A sense of loneliness overtakes the baby creating shock that may stay with the baby for its entire life due to impairing the Base and Sacral chakras.

Number two, it prevents the baby from getting its necessary nutrition it needs and requires.

Now isn't this tragic? What kind of society do we reside in here in the U.S. where we value work and money over human health requirements?

Most corporate jobs under U.S. law only allow a woman six (6) weeks off for maternal leave (some jobs may grant a longer time); but still, a baby requires at least one (1) year on the breast. But corporate jobs will not tolerate a mother being off of work that long of a period to properly rear (which includes nurturing) a child. Corporate profits are just too important!

I think a good idea would be to allow an optional and voluntary maternal leave account to be set up whereby corporate women can have premiums deducted from their salary to go into this account so when the time comes for maternal leave, funds can come out of this account to pay for a woman's maternal leave (in addition to disability payments). Women (mothers) still have to eat and live while nurturing a child.

I know a woman can apply for disability while out of work for maternity purposes, but do we have to call it "disability"? I mean, is a woman really disabled because she's performing a natural function of nurturing a child? The money should come from the State (from a woman's premiums to State disability/unemployment: EDD) under a different name in my opinion.

A person is truly adversely affected on a subconscious level when they constantly say or tell someone that they are on or receiving "disability." This term or word disables the body on many different areas whether people know it or not. The same thing applies for terms such as "general relief", "unemployment", "social security", and "welfare." These are all disempowering words that create dependence, unaccountability, and irresponsibility and keep people on survival mode.

These words supra also cause energy leakages of the Third Chakra (Solar Plexus) that houses qualities or attributes of: drive, ambition, determination, willpower, self-esteem, personal sovereignty and empowerment.

Government engineers knew exactly what they were doing when they created these words or terms that serves to truly handicap people on a deeper subconscious level. Remember, repetition of a message constitutes mental programming.

Because the money (maternal leave account) would come from the woman's salary, government wouldn't have to pay a dime (though it should as paying women to nurture babies makes a hell of lot more sense than spending billions of dollars to finance bloody wars whereby thousands of people are murdered; and remember, government takes women worker's money via unconstitutional federal income taxation and therefore government is taking much needed money from women (and men) to finance war). But of course, people allow this to happen. Government does and gets away with what its citizens allows and condones. Period!

Okay, so you have to go back to work or maybe you have breastfeeding problems that prevent you from breastfeeding. So what can you do?

Alternative Milks

You can make healthy and wholesome alternative milks for your baby from Nature's fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains such as hemp, rice, almonds, oats, cashews, walnuts, banana, coconut, and dates to name a few. Sea moss (or seaweed) is added for nutritional content and a little maple syrup for sweetness.


NOTE: If using grains, seeds, and nuts, allow them to soak over night.

Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

Take one (1) cup of your milk alternative base, i.e. hemp, almond, rice, cashews, shredded coconut, etc. and add to water in blender.

Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender (except if you are using dates for your base as dates are already sweet).

Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

Now you can add as much milk as necessary to a baby bottle for your baby.


NOTE: Don't worry if "organic" fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains are not available! Use what's available!

Also, you can use as much water as you deem necessary to make a milk to your liking if the 2 cups of water is not enough based upon your discretion.

"Almond Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw almonds to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of almonds and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Cashew Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw cashews to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of cashews and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Hemp Seed Milk" (The Best milk!)

1. Allow organic, raw hemp seeds to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of hemp seeds and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Walnut Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw walnuts to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of walnuts and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Oat Milk"

1. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

2. Take one (1) cup of oats and add to water in blender.

3. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

4. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

5. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

6. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

7. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

8. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

9. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

10. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Banana Milk"

1. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

2. Take one organic, raw ripe banana, slice it up, and add to water in blender.

3. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender. NOTE: You may not need maple syrup if banana is overly ripe. Use your discretion here!

5. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

6. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

7. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

8. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

9. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Coconut Milk"

1. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

2. Add 2 cups of thinly sliced or shredded raw coconut to water in blender.

3. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender. NOTE: You may not need maple syrup if banana is overly ripe. Use your discretion here!

5. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

6. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

7. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

8. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

9. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Rice Milk"

1. Allow organic brown rice (short or long grain version) to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of organic brown rice and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

NOTE: If you choose to use cooked rice, do not add anything (i.e. salt, sugar, butter) to rice. Uncooked rice is better! Do not use white rice as it is devoid of nutritional content!

"Date Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw dates to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take six (6) dates and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

6. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

7. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

8. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

9. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

10. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

NOTE: You can use less or more dates based upon your discretion as dates can be very sweet.

"Pepitas (Pumpkin Seed) Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw pepitas to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of pepitas and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Hazelnut (Filbert) Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw hazelnuts to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of hazelnuts and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Flax Seed Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw flax seeds to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of flax seeds and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours.

"Sesame Seed Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw sesame seeds to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of sesame seeds and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours

"Soy Milk"

1. Allow organic, raw non-GMO soybeans (nuts) to soak over night.

2. Add two (2) cups of good water (preferably alkaline or spring water) to a blender.

3. Take one (1) cup of soybeans (nuts) and add to water in blender.

4. Add one (1) teaspoon of sea moss or any good seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Iceland Moss; these are best to use) to contents of blender.

5. Add one (1) tablespoon of Grade B or C maple syrup (organic is best) to contents of blender.

6. Add a very thin slice of banana (size of a quarter coin) to contents of blender.

7. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

8. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

9. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

10. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

11. Refrigerate leftover milk and use within 48 hours

NOTE: GMO = genetically modified organism


Never warm up your baby's alternative milk in a microwave oven! Never! These devices are very dangerous! They change the molecular structure of everything that goes into them. Microwave ovens are a big reason why cancer has increased in industrialized nations, especially the United States.

Always rely upon your stovetop to warm up your baby's milk. Use a small non-aluminum/non-Teflon coated pan (like stainless steel pan) to warm up the milk. Don't let the milk get too warm. Just warm enough for the baby to drink (around 98.6 degrees). For this reason, make sure you purchase a thermometer so as to be able to check the temperature of the milk.

The best temperature for the baby's alternative milk is 98.6 degrees because this is your natural body temperature as a human being and when your baby is on the breast, this is the temperature of the milk, so keep the temperature the same with your alternative milk.

Problems With Producing Enough Breast Milk

Okay, you're presently breastfeeding but you're not producing enough milk?

Try Dherbs.Com Galactagogue Formula (3 capsules twice daily).

Galactagogue is a word that refers to "an agent that increases and enhances the flow of mother's milk from the breasts." For health edification purposes, "galactagogue" also pertains to lactation.

Galactagogue herbs include:

Red Raspberry Leaf
Irish Moss
Iceland Moss
Coriander Seed
Red Clover Tops
Lemon Verbena
Saw Palmetto Berries
Anise Seed
Fennel Seeds
Black Seed
Fenugreek Seeds
Dill Seed
Wild Lettuce
Blessed Thistle
Chaste Tree Berries
Marshmallow (Althea)
Blue Cohosh

I would suggest you mix 3-5 of the above herbs (in cut and sifted form) and make as a tea and drink throughout the day as much as you like.

NOTE: Abstain from consuming herbs of Black Walnut Hulls and Sage while breastfeeding as these two herbs are anti-galactogogue and inhibit the secretion of breast milk. Only consume these herbs if you wish to dry up your breast milk.

Crystal elixirs can also serve as galactogogue agents. The following crystals can be added to a glass of distilled or alkaline water and allowed to sit overnight (preferably exposed to moonlight) and drank later on throughout the day:

Blue Chalcedony
Pink Chalcedony
Chiastolite (a/k/a Andusalite)

You can drink one ounce once or twice a day. Bottle the rest in a dark colored bottle (amber or cobalt colored) and store in a cool and dark place.

Many females in the U.S. are becoming health conscious and learning about the importance of breastfeeding (which is really a natural function for the majority of females, if not all females), which is a very good thing and I applaud every last one of these women."

1 comment:

  1. Hi, is the hemp seed milk safe for a 4month old?, ive read articles advising that only after 7months old
