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Monday, November 1, 2010

Complete Tissue Bone Formula

We have talked and written extensively, over the years, about what to do for the organs of the human body. It has been gratifying to have found specific herbal foods and aids for the liver, pancreas, heart, bowels, kidneys, etc.
We see maimed, crippled, burn-scarred people--who could surely have found a "better way to go" than that which was used on them, in many cases.

As a good example I would like to cite the case of two boys, about ten years of age, who were playing with gasoline and matches. Both of the boys' hands, up to the wrists, received third degree burns. The boys were taken immediately to the hospital where the surgeon pronounced, for both boys, "incurable third degree burns"! He told both sets of parents there was a choice in each case--either removing the hands at the wrist and attaching iron claws both right and left, or, with numerous operations and skin grafts, over a period of about one year in the hospital, the boys could keep their hands, but they would be just like mummified claws and could not be used as hands, but, in a claw-like manner, they would be able to pick up materials but the fingers would not move as would the ones on the metal hand. One set of the parents told the doctor to keep their boy there and, even though it would be a year and the cost very high, to go ahead and work on him as soon as possible. The other couple told the doctor they wanted to see another person first about their boy's condition and then they might come back.

As they had heard of our work, they brought their boy to the building when I was lecturing, to show me the boy's burned hands. The nails, much of the flesh, tendons, etc., had been so badly burned it made one shudder to look at it. The temporary preliminary bandages were put back on while answering their request as to what could be done instead of cutting off the hands or surgery and skin grafting. I gave them a formula to use that is based on comfrey. This is a paste made up of comfrey, wheat germ oil and honey. The paste was to be spread, 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick, over the entire burn area. They were instructed to watch the paste and if it had, in any areas, been absorbed into the flesh to add additional paste in these areas, not disturbing the condition below.

Within the week they returned to the hospital and the same doctor they had seen before examined the boy. He was amazed and told them that where the burns had been third degree burns in these past few days, they were now first degree burns. He asked them what in the world they had used, and they told him it was an old-fashioned remedy. The doctor then told them to continue using it and, further, there now would be no need for any surgery or skin grafting, because it looked as though the hands would heal perfectly with this procedure without any scar tissue. In a few weeks time the boy's hands were completely healed. Later the nails had grown back on, the tendons, nerves, muscles, flesh and skin were all renewed, and the hands were as perfect as they were before the burns.
The other boy was still at the hospital nearly a year later, with continual surgery and skin grafting. The cost was, we understand, well over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. When he was sent home his hands were two ugly "mummified-type" unbending claws, so sad-looking he wore gloves to hide them from view.

The parents that used the herbs spent approximately ten or twelve dollars for the first materials to apply (honey, wheat germ oil and comfrey) and only small amounts at times to replace the paste that was used.

The paste can be used for cuts, abrasions, burns, bruises, sprains, and an external aid to spread the healing up of broken bones. If kept in a wide-mouth closed jar the paste will keep in a ready-to-use condition for many months. This is one of the fine emergency first aid helps you can have on hand. It is good to have some in your cars and in various places in the home or where you work, in case of an accident.

One day a lady came into my office in a frantic state of near hysteria. She told me that her fourteen-year-old daughter was at home and some neighbor ladies were with her, to keep her from doing harm to herself. That morning the mother had stopped her daughter from committing suicide. The girl, for several years, had a severe dermatitis that had baffled the family physician, dermatologists and allergy specialists. The skin problem was from the knees down to her feet, the arms from elbows down over the hands, and her neck and face were also covered with this dermatitis condition. The dermatologists said it was different from pityriasis, psoriasis, eczema, etc., and had no name for this thick, heavy scaling from which the girl was suffering. This young girl had become a recluse, refusing to go to school, church, parties, etc., and because of this terrible condition which was called "incurable" she was eating herself into an extremely oversized individual. The despair she was suffering was pushing her into a suicidal frame of mind.

I had never had such a case presented to me before and my "back was up against the wall." This was an emergency and I did not have the time to sit in a laboratory and figure out a combination to try on her. I offered a quick silent prayer for help and a formula came immediately to my mind. As it came I had the lady and her companion write it down. I told them to go to an herb shop or health food store and get the various herbs, mix them, and make a fomentation. She was to foment the legs, arms, neck and face areas, and also to have the daughter drink some of the tea. I felt confident enough to promise good results!

It was on a Tuesday morning that the mother had come to see me. On Friday the report came back that the scabs and scales had left the afflicted areas and the girl's skin had a good "healing glow" to it. The next message I received was six months later. The girl was now a choir leader at the school she had returned to, and she was again busy in church and social activities.

This particular group of herbs is one we called Complete Tissue & Bone Formula, we found it would do many things besides skin problems.

A lady, who is connected with the publishing company that does some of our printing of books, had an experience that shows how well this particular formula works! One time, while traveling to the west coast on a lecture assignment she was in an accident with their family car and a large portion of one of her knee caps was torn off. This left a deformed knee and a lack of free action with the knee joint. One day she saw me and asked me if I saw any difference in her two knees. I could not tell which had been the badly deformed knee from the other, they were both perfect and healthy looking. I knew, of course, that she had used the bone, flesh, and cartilage herb tea as a fomentation over the injured knee area six days a week, week after week, and the knee cap grew back--as unbelievable as this may seem to others. We do recommend the drinking of some of the tea several times daily as well as the external use.

We have had many interesting cases with the use of this formula and how it has helped various serious conditions and many people.

Various times, while reading the iris of the eye, I have spotted impingement of the spine in the lumbar, thoracic, and sometimes troubles in the tail-bone area. Upon seeing the "area of malfunction" I would cite the problem at hand, as with the lumbar vertebrae being "out" the individual would be suffering severe backaches and ofttimes bowel and reproduction organ problems and, sure enough, the patient would exclaim, "That's true!" When there was the bent, broken or dislocated tail-bone, there would often be problems in the arms or legs, etc.

It has been our recommendation to put the fomentation of this particular formula over the malfunction area upon retiring at night and leave on all night, taking it off the following morning. This procedure is to be done six nights a week, week after week, until the spine stays in place "of its own free will and choice." The reason is that this herbal remedy is a food and feeds the cushion that is ofttimes ruptured or worn away, and also with its powerful cell-proliferating feeds the area to rebuild itself, according to the plans and specifications the good Lord has left as a pattern for repair. The same thing happens with the muscles, nerves, chipped and damaged bone, and the flesh and skin on the damaged area.
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